This topic would be helpful to me and to all community here, to understand (more or less), where the TL affect the accounts.
Something was changed on IG after the last wave and all the people have been notice of it.
Me also, after years, have experience the TL on most of master accounts.
Mine its a small business but very solid, with 4g dongle and super safe scrapers account (5:1), splitted on different pc.
My reply at the poll below was ONLY UNFOLLOW, i start to got TL while performing unfollow at 170-180 actions /day; before these works perfectly without issues;some of these unfollow was performing for 2 weeks in a row because on these moments i have to lower the followings.
Most of the accounts are super aged and without any issues from a while.
Now im making few tests with low actions but continue to keep always one tool running at the same time (100-120).
If you consider to participate to this survey leave a small reply about your settings and experience.
Follow 100 actions on 8 hours for each tool are not too much?
Actually im testing the follow/unfollow tools running together without “hours separation”, 100 actions day (and less) each. Till now any issues…also i think its more “natural” follow and unfollow at the same time as separate them by days of hours.