Becoming an Instagram influencer?

Hello guys! Does anyone have experience becoming an Influencer? I know thats not an easy thing to do, but on many online business tips people talk thats its really valuable thing and very good way to earn money.

I mean any kind of influencer , whether its youtube or instagram or whatever.

Maybe some of you could give any tips how to become one?

Thank you!


I am working on becoming on IG influencer right now in the travel niche. My strategy is post 1 picture every day of original content. I travel throughout the world so it is not hard for me to take good pics. I have 600 followers and I am growing. I am using like exchange with about 40 likes to get my posts out there. I end up with around 150 likes on each of my post. Altho, I am just starting I think it is important to find something you are passionate about it.


stand for something
your opinion or stance might be aligned with hundreds of others

show up regularly
regular exposure and presence to becoming top of mind

be part of the community
leave thoughtful comments on other peoples posts.
reply to people on your posts.
brands love seeing an influencer who has a strong bond with their fans

Give your insight
your experience,
the raw the better,
people want that.
so do other brands.

influence one person per day
you are a majority of one,
focus on making change in a small circle first,
before impacting the entire world

One common mistake to not making it is giving up right after the dip
(where you dont know whether you should quit or march through)

if its aligned with your values, keep going it is worth it.
Building a personal brand will take time.

So patience and trust in the process.


to finish off,

As Musashi in his Dokkodo says:
"Never stray from the Way… "


Great inputs from @tripleyourtribe! Just have a very few points to add:
1. Content content content
At the end of the day, no matter how advanced your strategies are, if your content is shit, you’re not going to influence anything. Focus on adding value to your followers’ browsing session in whatever way you can. It can be through an eye-candy post, or by delivering information about a product, or offering a deal on a valuable product, or a life hack, or motivation… but it needs to deliver value. If you’re not experienced in doing this, I would suggest taking some content marketing courses online. Hubspot has a good free course that will teach you the basics of content and how it should be created with the customer in mind. There are loads of free photography courses online too - get used to shooting pics on manual mode, or learn how to edit pics on apps like Snapseed to give them that extra “oomph!”

2. Research
This is often ignored by most people. Follow your competition! Track them. See what posts of theirs are getting traction. Try to replicate, or if possible make it better!

3. Be Unique
Create something that is uniquely you. People should know it’s your post without even looking at the username. For example check out Joel Strong - Instagram. With such a unique style, there’s no doubting it’s him whenever I see his posts. Example - If you’re a food blogger, you can have a prominent item in all your pictures - a yellow fork? a red spoon? a felt napkin with your logo? If you have a fitness profile, get a sticker of Mario lifting weights and put it on all your equipment. Go crazy, make it unique! Remember, something physical and in the frame makes more impact than a watermark. Build your brand around it and people will start recognizing you and companies will want to associate with you.

4. Channel Mix
Instagram? Facebook? Twitter? Tumblr? Pinterest? Blog? What do you spend time and focus your energies on? Research your niche well and see where your audience is hanging out. Each of these platforms work in a different way and require their own kind of content to become popular and influential. You have limited time in a day to spend for this, so make sure you make your choices carefully.

5. Brand name
This is something people already know and take care of, but mentioning it all the same. Make sure your influencer/brand name is available on all popular social media and create accounts on all of them even though you may not be using it currently. Buy the three most popular domains for your influencer name and keep it in holding as well.

All the best!

  1. Buy a $5000 camera
  2. travel/ or buy fresh clothes regulary and take pictures (fashion)
  3. profit

I became a influencer (ish) by accident. I have MP on my account and I run/jog in my spare time. I added 10 running brands in my posts and all of a sudden, over a few short weeks PR companies and other running brands starting sending me shit. Then I started getting to events and running in some exclusive ones for free.

My photos aren’t amazing but I am honest with my captions but brands like that I’m an old school runner and don’t need to run with technology and I wont take silly supplements.

Now, I’m only on 30k and I also just post my travel pics and a few vids on my drone. Also vids of my cute dog. However, I can now just ask for things for free off of brands when I want something, its very cool. My dog even gets sent free food.

I haven’t started posing with teeth whitener or Booty Tea for money and I don’t think I will. It’s a bit silly.

If you want to earn cash, you don’t need 1m followers. Just a good brand, be consistent and most importantly, reach out to lots of companies every day. Be selective and don’t send spammy emails, they get bundles of those.

Rather than just doing one post for a fee. Work out a deal where they send you products and do a 10 post deal over three months or so. You will drop your rate for this but it will give you decent content for your page and looks good for the next company you work with.

My friend has 60k, followers and recently charged ÂŁ4k to do a few post for a brand.

Just my two pennies worth.


Once you’ve built up a bit of a following see if you can get some press outside of Instagram. My dog just had his first TV interview. :joy:

Learn how to edit photos/videos. You can do a lot with even phone photos.

Do it because you love making content, not because you expect to make money. Imo the space is getting more and more saturated all the time. Very few people end up making it really big. To be successful, your work has to be sustainable and to be sustainable you have to enjoy it.


shag the kardashian,
all of them,
including Bruce,
on camera,
in new clothes
while travelling the world


Kim Kardasian, the Rock and accounts over 1-5 million are influencers. The rest are normal accounts. Treat it as such and grow that big…then you will be one.


Sounds legit. 10/10 would try.

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One thing is to focus more on what you want to create than replicating others, and make sure you engage with your followers