The best that usually poses problem to crypters is Eset nod 32 and that’s the one I use, add malware byte to it, common sense 2018 and you got a pretty good defense setup going for you.
Kaspersky there is no better protection than theirs.
This is so true that even the armed forces of countries such as the USA and Brazil use them.
I already use 3 years never had problems.
This is the version I use with it comes many other protection tools like password manager.
If you’re gonna be using your system for white hat/safe sites only, then I’ve found Windows Defender to be good enough. But if you’re going to be regularly exploring spammy sites, and are worried about it, then yup, nothing better than Kaspersky.
i used to work at Exxon Mobil offices and connected companies. Norton Symantec software is installed on all employee’s PCs and laptops of said companies. are they fools?
Things from “Trump”.
But that does not detract from the quality of the product.
It is only an action against political and military espionage between the two countries.
And that’s just a way of telling the American people that Trump got no help from the Russians to win the presidential election.
He tries to erase negative marketing about his election.