I have been on a couple of forums for some years now and i still cannot find the best forum to be on which suits my needs other than MPsocial. MPSocial was introduced to me by a friend and i’ve love it for this short period of time Ive been on it. Users are helpful and professional and the Forum has a very clean look to it where it makes it easier for me to read and its quite user friendly but i never tried to get work off of this forum but just ask for advice
Let me tell you about a couple of forums Ive been on regularly but i hate now, BHW and Hack Forums. Ive been more active on HF than BHW and i had good reputation on the forum. I have tried getting work for Instagram Management from this forum but the Users are not serious enough and they act like kids(maybe because they are? idk) but i’ve had users trying to scam me, Users asked for work but didn’t live up to their end of the deal and Users with Higher Reps abusing their power on the forum by putting up silly and irrelevant posts.
I thought it was a waste of time to be on many forums at the same time so i was looking for the best forum that i can be on where i can find work for Social Media Management with serious customers. I already work on Upwork but it takes time to get paid on Upwork. Share your bad experiences on Forums and Recommend the best forum to work on in your opinion
Thank you