Best number of posts X day

I KNOW I KNOW… it depends from the type of niche you are inn and the age of the account…even the number of action u are doing on a daily basis BUT what do u guys think is the best number of posts per day (posted on the feed)?

My opinion (average) is 3 for new accounts and 4+ if the account has more than 1 yr of life!

I found this is the best option in u want to create a very strong community…give them fresh and quality content…always…



Good topic.
I am posting 4-6 daily, scheduled on hours that have greater impact. My account is 2 months old but I don’t see any issue with that. I’m treating it as a personal account, my posts drive fair amount of engagement.
Starting this week I’m setting 2 slaves in the same niche, fully automated but only 3 posts/day.
My focus is the main where I invest in good photos, great descriptions and, you guessed it, great hashtags.
So far, no problem with the account.


thanks for sharing it with me…super interesting…
Im also treating it as a personal account and im posting everything manually but i had to decrease from 5/6 posts a day to 3/4 (my account is 4 months old).
I had to decrease the number of daily posts cause ive noticed that the engagement is way bigger and even the visits x week on the account…maybe is just a problem of mine.

Im also working with other 2 accounts, one born in 2015 and the other il 2017…posting 5/8 times a day with them (using a scheduling tool) and never had a problem with em!!

Have a good one and thank u :v: