For all newbies and maybe some of you who manage already 50-100 clients I would love to share a way
how to get 15 clients per month and what I do exactly. Many of you guys wonder how to get your first clients, maybe through instagram dms or write some start ups a mail? You can implement my way and get your first clients
Cold calling personal trainers from different citys:
You write it on google like: ‘personal trainer frankfurt’ and click on ‘more businesses’ and then you get
to a page with 10-20 lists and 10 personal trainers each list
Now you can begin with 10 calls per day ( like 1 hour )
A easy script is:
Hey, I came across your Instagram account through your website and wanted to introduce you to something cool in that regard.
I’m calling from a social media marketing agency specializing in personal training profiles in Instagram, do you have the basic interest that I briefly explain this to you?
In my experience 4 of ten say: Yes, explain me a little bit or make direct a meeting for another time
That means you have like 4 ‘salescalls’ where you can have another script how you qualify your potential customer and give them a free trial to test
When you make this every day you can enroll 2 people daily in your free trial and when you offer
some nice service 1 stay per day
In my experience it is better to have a more expensive service then a cheap one
When they ask how much we charge I told them, that our service saves them 4-5 hours daily and through our analytic systems our worktime is round about one hour daily and per hour we charge 10$
that means our monthly price is 300$
I make the experience that it comes better when I told them that we charge 10$ per hour because the 300$ does not sound like too much after this like it normaly is the case in my calls
One thing: cold calling is f’ckn annoying, especially if you get ‘rejected’ it feels in the beginning like
a punch in the face, but after some calls you realize that you actually start beginning to organize
meetings with them and when you do this 1-2 hours daily you have great results
Hope I could help someone
(and sorry for the bad english, google translator is my mentor)