Best Twitter Follow Settings To Achieve A Lot Of Followers Quickly

Just signed up - how do I use the system for follows - all I can see is these advise boards

Follow up to 70-80 relevant people daily. Unfollow non-followbacks every three days. Post 1-2 tweets and 1 retweet on a daily basis. This was my low-key method that was efficient (1000 followers in a little bit more than one month).


Are those settings still good for Twitter? I got my account suspended only with following 20-30 profiles, daily.

I am not a Twitter expert, but maybe these questions may lead to some inspiration for you:

  1. What was your warm-up process?
  2. Did you post original content or did you do reposts?
  3. How many likes per day?

Also this advice COULD be (still) very useful:

Maybe @seymour has some more tips or can confirm or update (if needed) his tips (as of Feb 2017)…?!

Hey there!

I have only a few accounts with really slow settings. Twitter seems to have better IA learning for that, so I keep very real, sometimes I keep the account stopped 3 days, then I return and follow/unfollow but slow cause If I put agressive setting I got a temp ban

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These are my warm up follow settings

not getting pvas or anything
it come to around 50-70 people a day