Best way to create HQ Instagram account in 2021?

May be someone should try creating with browser with switching browser agent and fingerprints for each mew Account. Because other than app it’s the only way to create accounts.

This website has 53.8 million browser agents database for all kind of devices and apps. And it has IG FB Twitter and so my other applications agent also. Someone should try this for bulk Accounts and see how it’s working.
For this need to install Custom browser agent extension in Chrome or Firefox. And webrtc should be disabled to prevent reflection of local system details.

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Web UAs won’t make much difference when it comes to the core of creating accounts.
Even you can try Jarvee inbuilt create a tool that has the same UA for all the accounts and it will work fine.
If it was the case Jarvee would have changed it a long time ago.
If you are using your own setup then switching UAs may help but switching only UAs won’t.

Yes you are right. changing Only UAs will not make much difference. Accounts can be created with phone numbers with this method. May be I can find a way to work with emulators. Need to mess with it for some time.

yes Jarvee will work perfecty for accounts creation whether you want to use them as scrapers or main accounts.

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I’d suggest you use emails if you create new accounts with Jarvee since you want to use them as your main accounts. Also, you should use 4G mobile proxies.

You can sign up for free trial to test the IG Create Accounts tool.

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thank you so much!

ok . I’ll give a try sit :slight_smile:

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