Best way to create Instagram accounts for MC?

Hello to all! Can someone PLEASE help me with this?
I just cant find a good solution for making IG accounts that i can use for mother/child…
I have tried “parallel space” app, i have tried factory resetting my mobile phone even with different google account for initialization and i am always getting my accounts banned instantly or “suspicious activity, 30 days, 24 hours check bla bla bla”
I am using 4G proxies that I personally made so they are 100% good and private. I use only gmail and real phone numbers from my country. Its getting really frustrating for me because i made bunch of accounts that got deleted in a day or straight away and using all quality resources is pretty expensive…
I tried buying various accounts but the problem is that all of them are ether pure trash or they don’t suite my needs (I need empty accounts but naturally made, small natural warm-up when account is made, some celebrities followed, some stories watched, etc…).
What is the trick? Is there some special software that i can install on my phone to modify HW number and other identifiers?

Thanks a lot in forward!

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Check the public market place… There are some quality account creators there that will help you out with custom solutions.
Good luck,

Thanks for a response! However I would like if someone can help me with this so i can make my own accounts since that is most permanent and secure solution for me. Any seller can always change strategy,quality, etc… Also i would like to make accounts directly in my country so no IP hops or suspicious activity ever…

You can not create a lot of accounts from your phone, they will get disabled as soon as possible. Use 4G proxies from your country, and check the IG Create tool on Jarvee, I use this tool to create accounts daily, and let the account age a bit (2 or 4 weeks) before start the warming up process.

Account Creators have the most expirience and know what their doing. They can help you, maybe not for free, but they can.
They can use your local ip to create your accounts.
They can use your custom details and even pics.

JV tool for IG account creation is a mess, barley good enough for Scrapers. User Agent issues and captcha and sms cost.

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Yes, Accounts made in JV are trash and easily detectable by IG. If someone can help please contact me (I can pay also it doesn’t have to be free).

I’m not sure the few out there able to create accounts at a scale will bother selling their strategy for a few dollars. The best and most effective way is always the same : test and make your own. It can sound a bit rude, but it’s the reality check.

If one sells you a strategy, high are the chances you’ll fail doing it, either because it was a scam, or just impossible to adapt in your case. And God knows how many scammers we’ve been seeing around here and there, when it was about Mother/Child (= Holy Grail).


Someone that starts with K rings a bell lol


Can you point me out in right direction in DM please :slight_smile: