Billy gene is marketing

Looks like your a pro at running ads. Is there any hope for reaching 100k plus people on facebook without a massive budget ?

I didn’t mean what I said as an insult to Billy Gene or people like him- I reverse-engineer individuals like him all the time.

I prefer hanging around people who are making a large sum of money behind the scenes through affiliate sites, agencies, etc. and not so much social media personalities/influencers, but that’s just me!

Thank you for the kind words about my YouTube thread- maybe one day I will end up creating a course if I get tired of working with clients!

I stopped watching when he talked about split testing ads and a budget of 100k plus for Facebook ads. He says he made about 50k in profit back but those are crazy numbers I just don’t have that amount to play with.

targeting can be done mulitple ways, if you tell me a little about your business i could probably help you out

for example all my clients are dentists and we do dental implant campaigns these would be a different demographic from teeth whitening

think about your ideal customer

for teeth whitening typically its a 24-35 year old female looking to get a brighter smile for her summer instagram pictures

whereas dental implants would be 35 + year olds who are having trouble with dentures/ it hurts them to eat the foods they love (steak, apples etc)

targeting should be easy if you understand your ideal customer