Blacklist for youtube channels (Jarvee)

Hello, is there an option to blacklist specific youtube channels in jarvee you don’t want to engage with? I’m looking for it but can’t seem to find how to do this

Have you tried adding accounts you want to avoid to Ignore list? Go to Social profiles, click on your YT account and go to Ignore tab.

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i’m on the ignore page right now of my specific youtube account. Do i need to add people here to a list or something? Can’t see where i can add the blacklist?


You can’t add blacklisted channels in JV. The ignore tab is not the same as blacklist. Your account will still like and comment on channels you added in Ignore tab.

You can use the import feature to add people in Ignore tab:
Go to Pages, click on Send to Ignore, then select the ignored page in Ignore tab > Export selected to see the format you need to follow in your import file.

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