this would not be a good filter for blocking - please dont do that.
I suggest scraping your followers first. Put them in excel or a similar program. And then apply filters to your follower list. You can look for number of followings or recent post date to start with.
You can also scrape likers of all your posts - delete duplicates - and compare the list you get with your followers list. Followers wich are not on the liker list - never liked any of your posts.
Yeah that’s a good point @ido . I did not mention it because i dont really understand the values. Maybe you or another experienced user could explain it? I guess the higher the better but what exactly is it?
Engagement % is the percentage from your total followers that is intercating with you post.
Assuming you have 10K followers, and on an average post you get 1000 likes and 100 comments, Your engagement rate will be 11% ((1000 likes + 100 comments) / 10K followers)
of course I know this but I wonder what exactly the numbers are. Thought maybe total likes but is not also not likes and comments. They just dont make sense to me. Do you know what they mean?
Hey! Putting my imput here, I did this recently and it had a bad effect, I dropped from 10k to 3k, those 3k were all the people who engage with my content. Did not help engagement at all.
I only removed ghost followers from one account about 3 years, never did again for ER, I will only block to remove pending follows of privates still left. I did 800 a day. However I stopped the f/u two days before. Once the pendings areclear of pending requests, I started back to f/u next day.
Mathematically will increase ER but if you abuse, will increase the chance of shadowban also I’ve noticed that this triggers some follow/like/DM blocks along the way so I won’t go hardcore with this tool