Buy a new car with Youtube views


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Buy a new car with youtube views?

** Rules
Signup for test drive & make a 1 min short video about that car & upload on youtube.
Each car only 1 available for the person who have the first views to buy it.

So if you see lot of videos on youtube about this car, you know why :wink:

Sadly i donā€™t work with youtubešŸ˜­


I think is no so hard to make that number of views. In my country i don t hear about this offer. You are sure is no scam? :smiley:

I am serious no scam. I saw it on TV.

Make video. Buy bot views. Profit.

I dont think its that easy:) For sure there are some tests and conditions that all vieuws have to be real:)

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Make testdrive, promote it on socialmedia, easy :joy:

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Hire lawyer. Sue them because ā€œrealā€ is not a specific definition.
Also, preferably use a bot panel and php coding that pays for 100 views every 5 seconds.

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They will check it for sure.
:wink: not so easy.

Also there is a risk when you reach the 900.000 views an other guy has allready finished it, and your car is gone each model just 1 :triumph:

For sure it s not so easy, but we are a team here, we help you to win a car, so go ahead :+1:

Just do it, mf! Get in the car, record and say "I want this car"
Thatā€™s it. LOL

Weā€™ll make it happen.


Haha thanks @acertaingentleman , i really hate youtube.
When i reach 900.000 views cars are allready gonešŸ™Œ


Make a decent/Entertaining video itā€™s 2017 everyone is weird as fuc* just make someone sit in the car and party or something.

Then drip feed HR views to the video.

I like the method this company used to gain social attention


Looks like, too good to be true. 900k views like. create method on this if its real.
buy/create gmail account then bot it with social exchange then get like 900k views instant :slight_smile: :slight_smile: