Can i get un-shadowbanned?

I run a Plastic Surgery page with 150K+ followers, please help as this is my only source of income! :frowning:

Recently when posting a butt-plastic-surgery related post for a client, it got removed by Instagram for violating community guidelines: harassment and bullying. This happened twice in the past month, now I will not post ANY butt related posts.

However, after the 2nd time it got removed, Instagram sent me a message saying your post has been removed, and it also said “Your account may be deleted if this action continues, including your messages, followers…etc”. After that I noticed that my posts are not reaching ANY users that don’t follow me (“1% of user reach on a post don’t follow you”, when usually it was something like 80-90%) therefore my posts don’t go to explore page (in the past I had many viral posts with over 3 million user reach)

Is there a way I can solve this? Shall I just keep posting daily as if nothing has happened? The engagement has dropped considerably as I know my posts don’t reach the explore page anymore coz these guys did something. Shall I give the page a break?

I’m hoping that if I just keep posting regularly and my followers continue to engage then maybe it will return back to normal…please help as this is my sole source of an income!

Have you made any changes recently regarding your posts? What kind of content are you posting? Are you posting the same content, hashtags, tags over and over again?

whilst I can’t tell you what to do to prevent this, I do know that once you get shadowbanned it may last from 1 to 3 months generally

You should keep posting, but limit the use of hashtags. Avoid using the hashtags you used before the account got shadowbanned. Make each post as unique as possible.

Any update about this!
Hope it’s solved by now.