Can we grow theme pages from 0 to 100k totally with Jarvee?

Hey guys wondering if it’s possible to grow theme pages with viral content from 0 to 100k only with Jarvee automation? If any of you have done so any information would be highly appreciated.


It will take you a very long time, you would have to start by doing follow unfollow etc which if you are only running one page, you are better off doing manually as the limits are higher.

I have a 165k comic theme account I grew manually before the big IG change and it took a year to grow. Now it would take much longer than that. You need a somewhat decent base and great hashtags to get explorer action and you don’t get the crazy amount of follows as you used to from it.

I could grow 1k a day from three posts 2 years ago. Now that account grows a few hundred a day.

Yeah bro I know it will take me a long time. I am not planning to just grow one page with Jarvee. I will obviously work on multiple ones. I was just wondering if any of your tried it and got their account banned even after using scrappers etc. Don’t want to lose account after it grows because of automation.

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There are lots of risks with Jarvee, I will be honest. This is why Mother/slave exists, we don’t like putting our main accounts onto automation so we grow with others.

I personally wouldn’t put any account I love onto automation just because of the risks involved. But you can try growing a few slaves and see how they go. IG is relentless and you may be good for months with no issues and wakeup to half your accounts dead. It happens to a lot of users.

It’s definitely doable, but it’s got a lot of risks.

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Yeah you are saying right, I tried mother slave with one of my clients accounts just for a test with around 20 accounts. Grew them to 100+ followers, but couldn’t see minimal results to keep going like not even 5-10 followers a day. I know what I was doing and the clients page gets lots of engagement. Maybe I need to try it on a bigger scale.

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You need at least 50 slaves to see decent results

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You can only do it with mother & slave method. You will need MANY slaves and mobile proxies to handle it and it will take time.
Also, you can do mass dm to attract new followers.