Can't change recovered IG username

Hey guy,
Does anybody here faced an error after trying to change a username of an account especially on recovered account after they got banned?
I’m trying to change the username to start promoting a new niche but I’m getting this error right after I’m trying to save the changes:

Try Again Later. We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake

You are obviously getting some sort of block when trying to do that action. Maybe to try again in 2-3 days, maybe they will lift the block till then. Cheers

I usually get that error message when my link gets flagged and I try to update any of profile information. When you remove the link - it all goes through. Try to edit/remove your profile data one by one and you should find what’s causing it.

Wait a few days, and do the action on a different IP address. If that doesn’t work, try a different device.

Didn’t touch the account for 2 years :smiley:

There’s no link in my bio :confused:

Normally once an account got unbanned, you should - that heavily depends on why it got banned - delete all the old posts. Because what happens first when your account gets unlocked is that Instagram is rechecking all your content, comments, etc. which might lead to your account getting banned again.

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send me your account link in DM, I can take a look at it if you want