Can't follow followers of target account - Jarvee

Hello, did anyone else usin Jarvee bot have a bug where it can’t follow the followers of target accounts ? I have reached the support and they told me that I have embedded browser option going on. I even modified that and they said that I have some api restrictions even if the account was new. 3-4 days passed and I still have the same problem.

I don’t think that this is a bug, it’s just some sort of restriction that this account is having.
Have you tried to scraper with some other account and then use the specific users source for this account. Maybe this workaround method helps you with using the source you want :slight_smile:

Well, I don’t know how to scrape followers from TikTok with Jarvee. Or I haven’t seen this option :slight_smile:

followers of target accounts source get restricted very quickly, the best thing that you can do is use other sources instead and give that source a lower section rank Jarvee will still use that source but if there are any issues with followers of target accounts Jarvee will use others sources

It’s just like Instagram. Create a new TikTok account which will be used as a scraper account. Then go to Follow tool Settings tab of that scraper account > check “Send to extracted users” and “Automatically send scraped results to other accounts”, add your main accoun > add followers of target accounts source in the Sources tab of your scraper account. After that go in the main account’s Follow Sources tab, and use the option “Follow specific users” as source.


@ossi provided you all necessary details, try to set it and see how it will go :slight_smile:

Yep, this is a great new addition to TikTok automation on Jarvee. The similar thing we’ve got on IG already. I think it’s gonna help a lot with previous API calls blocks.

Thank you, I will try this.