Can't log in - suspicious login attempt

I thank you for your support and I wish you a happy Easter. Hopefully someone can help me because I don’t know how to get out of it. Thanks

Anyone ever seen this? There is no option to verify so I can’t get pass it. Happened to 2 of my accounts this past week

In case anyone get stuck with this. I finally figured out how to fix it.

Click forget password, type in username but instead of click next, click need more help. Then you will have the opportunity to do a EV then PV (need to do 2), then you will get the account back.

On pc or phone this works for you? Because when I do it on pc I don’t see any option to click “need more help”, on phone I do… But when I click it it just takes me to the page full of information but not to PV or EV. What you think I’m doing wrong?

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I did it on the phone. I just tried to do it on a working account now but it only goes to page of information you described. But when I did it on my 2 stuck accounts last week, it lead to EV+PV page. Maybe it only works if the account is in certain stuck state.

Crazy. I had a solution as wee for it… I had to login, change the password… open a incognito window in browser then paste the link from the email received after the password change under the words that say “secure your account here” … But unfortunately this account doesn’t receive the password changed email. The account is visible on Instagram… Just no idea how to get back into it. Do you have any ideas?

same thing here, if anyone can help or contact support on my behalf please let me know :pray:

I believe nobody mentioned this:

There’s a slight chance that your IP has been suspended, I’ve heard about similar stuff before that they show a message that looks something like this.

Anyway, just a speculation, this might give you an insight or two additionally:

Any help???

Just curious why you are looking forward to login into such an old account? Because of it’s username?