Cant login main accont on mp social

i got looged out from some reason when i try login by facebook = error
since mail isnt gmail the link wont send to the email
any admin that may help me our?

You should contact support and give them more details:

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It’s very difficult to help you out like this. I assume the issue is too complex and the best assistance you’ll get by contacting their support and by explaining the issue there.

well after few month of trying reach u i gave up

How do you mean? You’ve contacted their support and haven’t got reply?

exectly few times as well…

can u please help me out?

looping in @mommyfats in this thread

@Instafollow, please inbox me your main MPSocial account, thanks

i cant
my main accounts i used to connect through facebook (which isnt possible in mpsocial login anymore)
my main user is Orel_Sasi

help please

I had problem when i used to register acc and when i waited longer for activation email.I emailed them and moderator replied and i activated my acc :slightly_smiling_face: