Changing DMs - Help Please

Hey, I have contacted jarvee about adding a feature to make it easier to change the dm text in pending messages. They said they will cone up with something in the next week and I have to do it manually.

I tried exporting usernames and importing them with the new dm text but it says 0 people added when I try add to pending. This used to work but for some reason it isn’t anymore. Is there another way to change the dm text in your pending messages tab?

Ive asked jv support also, but they can take a whole day to reply and ive got lots of work to do.

What I do is I just remove all pending messages from all accounts, you can select which ones you want to remove it for in bulk and then just let the accounts re populate the pending messages with the new text.

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Oh so they will come back to the pending when the account scrapes for new followers?

Yep they should! I thought they disappear at first too but when it re scrapes it will pend with the new text.

Problem is it only goes through the last 100 followers. I have lots pending

Oh well, thats another issue. Yeah it caps it at 100 most recent. It would be nice to not have that limit though.

Are you trying to export and import pending messages using these buttons (see the image)? I exported pending messages, edit the message text, then imported them back, it works fine.

make sure you close the import file before you import it to avoid getting error.

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I figured it out. For some reason I had to close out of the profile after I changed the spintax. Then import