Child Mom (Mom/Slave) Strategy Doubt?

While we’re on the topic of motherslave…Serious question I remember briefly there was a way to automatically enable unfollow after daily limit of follows have been reached. Can someone refresh my memory? Doing this for the
8h follow
8h unfollow
8h night mode

Motherslave method thank you!

Yeah, but that’s exactly the M/S strategy done right! hahaha


Yeah thats why I don’t get the whole point of it. But maybe I’m missing an important piece.

Haha,. For sure fam!

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:joy::joy::joy: for real though.

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I did it 2 years ago for a store of mine and called it satellite account method. To me makes more sense to think about accounts orbiting a main one


Yes like another user said, it is BrazilianBusinessMan over at BHW who calls it that. TBH, his thread is full of fluff and he struggles explaining his concept by overcomplicating it.

If I understand it correctly, he is just using some techniques which are more expensive and time consuming to create accounts that have a higher trust score and perform more actions. Also there was something about preying on other bots but I couldn’t understand what that was about albeit that was the most interesting.