Clients Instagram story music sticker VANISHED

My dear friends,

One of my clients music sticker (adding Spotify music to story posts on IG) has disappeared :confused:

It was there for a little while but now gone, it’s on other accounts on my phone but not that one. Tried reinstalling IG, re logging, but to no avail.

Is there a hero out there who can save me?

Not a hero but I’ve been having the same issue on my main account. It still has not shown up again and it’s been over a month.

I have this issue too. Still hasn’t shown back up. I catch it once in a great while but when I check again it’s gone. Also. The music on other stories will sometimes play and other times says it’s not available in my region. I live in California. I just want to know what the issue is and this is the ONLY thing I could find on it and none of us have answers :frowning:

Bumping this ancient thread. I don’t have the sticker at all on my personal account. Never have. Any ideas why or how I can get it?

Has anyone found the solution this just happened to my account today

This happened to a client of mine, it was gone for literally 3-4 months and then one day it came back.

I think it might be from using a bot, but who knows.

All I can say is, there’s nothing you can do, and hopefully, eventually it will come back.

Anyone else straight up never got the sticker? I have a large personal account and have even switched from an iPhone to Android and still no sticker lol.

Bumping this again to check progress, I am dying to get this music sticker back its a game changer.

Cannot figure out what to do , I have tried to report it with a screenshot attached with no avail, help!