Hey guys! My accounts have been running awesomely for the last few months with the exception of today. Most of my accounts are on proxies, however, the more troublesome ones are running off my home wifi as I thought that would be safer.
Today, one of the accounts got a confirm it is you, add a phone number and wait for 24hours to see if they will enable it again. Then shortly after another one did. I have four on my wifi network so I had to stop the other two incase they get caught too.
It seems to be happening after a block on DMs but the syntax I am using has over 20,000 different variations so I thought that would be ok.
Is there any hope for these two accounts? and is there any way I can stop this happening to other accounts? Is there a way I can figure out what caused it?
How many main accounts and scrapers do you have? are you using the tagname method? I would suggest you put the other two scraper accounts on proxies. I think from now on you should not put scraper accounts on your wifi network. Always use proxies on tyour scrapers. I’ve seen some users can get their accounts back…but the chance is small.
I have 20 main and 9 scrapers. All the scrapers are on zproxy single proxies. Then I have 16 accounts on 3x 4g proxy modems and then 4 accounts are on my wifi, 2 of which have been hit with that confirmation. The other two are bigger accounts which I don’t want to lose. (3k).
Are those accounts ok on wifi or is it bad altogether?
They seem to have both gotten a DM block beforehand, but my syntax is quite good. 20,000 different variations aparently
There’s a couple websites you can use. Just Google “IP Blacklist Check” and you’ll find them. For example, https://www.whatismyip.com/blacklist-check/. However, once I start having problems with a IP/proxy I usually just leave it altogether
Well things are now out of control. I turned off the ones that were connected to wifi. One I had on my phone and tried to login and got the capcha.
All of the others that are on proxies got hit this evening. They don’t use the same dm, follow/ actions. One was just unfollowing and got hit with it.
I had the same issue, i think it’s related the quality of my accounts. but in your case maybe the account activities trigger that captcha…an account which is only doing unfollow may appear suspicious to Instagram. So I would suggest you run other tools as well to make the activities more human-like, not just only DM/follow/unfollow.
I’ve stayed away from DMs to accounts, that are not following back or have not even I initiated the conversation. Once they engage with my stories or posts… Then a few DMs per day. That’s how I have been doing it.