Contact tool (sorry too many requests)

Has anyone ever come across this? And if so, do you have any suggestions?

You are going too fast with messages, limits are now much harder, make bigger difference time with every message you send.

how much do you send per operation/hour?

that is a send message block
got this very often
pause it for one day

then go with 20 dms daily max and warm up daily with 2 more until it reaches 40

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2 per hour… other accounts with the same settings work, but this one has been plagued from the start. Can’t even EB follow on jarvee, but can follow with jarvee API

I’ll try pausing it, thanks!

Just a DM block, make your tool work 24 hours, and make it so it gets suspended for 3 hours if it gets blocked. You will be getting a lot of blocks but still able to send 30-50 DMs per day.


and it seems that you are using DMs with fresh accounts, right? Did you warmup the account?

I began low and warmed up to send 35-40 per day, 2-3 per hour and have not been blocked.
You should also use spintax so the same message is not sent to everyone.

How many accounts have you used it on, and how many have you been able to send per hour/day before this block?

Message is spintaxed. I used similar settings for 3 other childs (none of which got blocked) but some reason the fourth did. Warmed up with 40-50 per day increasing by 2 to 70. I was able to send 60-70 per day with the other childs. It’s interesting that the childs that were fine were created with a phone number, but the child that had the block was created with email.

And now the fourth child can DM again

thanks Artie and @danielschkolnikow it was just a 24 hour block. I just need to be careful with this particular slave in the future

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That’s good that it’s active again.
What made you decide to limit it at 60-70 DMs per day?

The reason is because I’m only using the tool to contact new followers and I don’t expect to get more than 70 per day (extremely optimistic) on slave accounts. I know I could do “cold” DMs to random folks, but I feel that has a much higher chance of ban