I thought I’d start a little thread about interesting free things/offers/etc you may find online that could be helpful to someone here on the forum.
Every month I check in at http://market.envato.com/ as they have freebies from all of their different sites. Themes, Wordpress Plugins, Audio for your site, psds. and so on.
Feel free to contribute as I’m sure each of us knows little things here and there online and probably thinks “Well everyone probably knows that” when that’s usually not the case.
PS: Just click on each one individually DO NOT add them all to the cart. They are free if you download them each by themselves.
Nice share i also suggest VIDEOBLOCKS and PIXALBAY i subscribed to them and after a few days they send you a trial to download all kind of random HD video clips
Thanks man, but I don’t get it I add these to my cart (I’m logged in) one by one and go to checkout where it asks me to pay full price. Am I missing something here?
What normally happens to me, even though I’m logged in, is that it’ll say “log in” on the button and I just refresh the page and it works. You 'd think they’d have it fixed by now but as long as you’re doing it one by one give that a shot should work.