Could you use a iPad Pro as your daily driver?

The new iPad is packed with features but what is it missing for you to switch from your traditional laptop?

proper file handling system.

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The are no enough USB ports. And you cant use softwares only apps. But for email writing, Photoshop it is really great.

For now, I cannot use the iPad Pro to replace my laptop. It could be used for tasks that don’t use a lot of resources and that can be done easily.

The screen real estate for me is too small to multitask but the iPad is designed to be lightweight and a straightforward product which can natively run apps. Could be a useful second device but not the daily driver.

I’ve always dreamed of making the switch, but I also find the multi-tasking to be the limit.
I can just be faster on a laptop than I can on an ipad.

Personally I cannot, because I have dev tools that I cannot install there, but let’s say I could do 95% of the other things I need to do, and If I connect a secondary display works perfectly.

Anybody tried Samsung Dex? I used it a few minutes in a friend’s house, with an S9, and was a great experience.

Unbelievable how powerful a mobile phone is!! the power we wanted years ago in a PC now is in most of the good phones.