CPA Click Conversion low

Hello guys, the conversion rate of my OGAds offers is always between 20-40%. I guess that is kinda low, especially the 20%. But shouldn’t it be close to 100%, like 90%? Because the people already clicked the download link for the app, so the only thing they have to do is to play it for 30 seconds, which I explicitly tell them to do on my Locker. So people that don’t want to do it should leave already without clicking, and people interested should click it and use the app for 30 seconds.

Furthermore, do you have any techniques for increasing the conversionrate, as for example disabling the offers that don’t convert well ? I wouldn’t see why some offers convert better than other though…

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It really depends on what you are doing. Is the user clicking the offer because they are genuinely interested in it, or are they clicking it because they are being incentivized to do so?

Users may also reach the download page and decide they don’t want to download the app. It might be due to the size of the app or they may simply not find it interesting.

If you could provide some more details on the user flow, then I can give you some suggestions.


What exactly do you mean by user flow? And yeah, they aren’t interested in the offer because it’s a Blackhat niche and they just have to do it because they think that as a result they will get something. Today, for example, I had 13 Impressions, 13 Clicks but only 4 conversions for one account. It might not seem that bad, but I think I can improve it. The people come from Instagram, then to my web 2.0 prelander, where they just have to press a button, and then to the landingpage. And before getting their offer they have to complete an offer to verify that their human.