Cpa in this Block wave 😨

Someone have another idea ?

Spammer is a lifestyle…

Haha what do you mean it’s a forum to get helped bro if you are from “Team i’m upset because all what happens is from in insta is caused by spam” then go try myspace nowadays you can still make money from it

I mean that you’ve sent 7 messages in a row

Yep but 3 of them was just answer others was just to up my thread so more new people see it when i saw that no one is responding i stopped that’s it nothing less nothing more

Lol @ all the people blaming cpa for the reason IG cracked down on botting. This was going to happen regardless of cpa or not. Its happened with every other platform in the past, only reason it’s so shocking to some of you is because it’s your first time embarking on social media automation. But trust me, it’s happened on every platform from AOL, Twitter, to Facebook… so not sure why people thought it wasn’t going to happen to IG. Looking to point the finger at people who were doing CPA as the sole reason is kind of childish if you ask me. I was doing adult cpa, as well as affiliate marketing on IG and have no shame in it. Everyone was getting their money however they was getting it… no need to hate. I’m sure if you knew how easy you could make $500 a day doing CPA on IG before the update then you probably would have too!

Anyway, I’m starting a private adult cpa group for anyone who has prior proven experience in adult cpa(since it’s not talked about much on this forum) feel free to DM me your Skype name, and I’ll try and add you to the list. You have to have been earning atleast $50/day minimum to join to eliminate a bunch of people with zero experience leeching. That’s a really low minimum and will be raised to $100/day once the core group is made. If this is against the rules, feel free to edit/delete this msg mods.

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That’s the same thinking i have also do you think it still work now with all this block waves or i just have to go on tiktok and wait for the big jarvee update then restart cpa spam on insta ?

It is because of CPA spammers that we have many blocks, these accounts are not legit and are part of the spam that instagram really fights…

If you read the Instagram report regarding automation, you would see that their main reason for combatting automation was to stop follows and likes being sold. Stop looking for someone to blame for change. As I mentioned in my previous post, this has happened on every other social platform in the past. All of them. I started with AOL automation, they eventually blocked it there. Facebook same thing. Twitter killed a million bots in 24 hours a couple years ago… let me guess, all because of CPA right? Automation is against their TOS, so regardless of what you were using automation for, you were in violation. Pointing the finger doesn’t solve any issues, and is pretty childish imo. Evolve and adapt. Never put all your eggs in one basket. If you were doing that, well this was a learning lesson for the future.


I’m not about those CPA guys, but still I’m agree that we shouldn’t blame on it each other, but stick together and look for the solution.

As for me, we all are in one boat. And that boat is full of holes atm… :frowning:

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hi . can someone recommend a cloacking service . that works with IG .