Create new instagram page just now, how can i grow it faster?

it is all about fashion, makeup, etc
what do you think? please give me your opinion what should i do to improve my page :D:smiley:


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use emojis in the bio, and write a caption looks bad when you just have hashtags.
if i were you i would be looking into a automation tool like jarvee!

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Use search ‘growth’, all is revealed. See, it’s a major topic and one thread cannot cover all and it’s been explained many times

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They are just spamming like they do reddit since they are so desperate for new followers.Nothing more.


Its a good one. You need a bot to grow your account faster

This has to be one of the worst threads I’ve seen on MPsocial… a simple google search would have yielding infinite results based on the knowledge you’ve presented


They are just spamming to gain new followers.

If you’re going to try that - at bare minimum make the account look decent. That is utter shit