Creating IG accounts on the phone - configuration for xPrivacy


Does anyone here have experience with setting up IG accounts on rooted android phones?

I rooted an android phone, installed all the necessary apps (xPrivacy, Proxydroid, Device ID changer, IMEI changer), had a real USA ph#, and IG proxies from highproxies.

I confirmed the ph# but when trying to create the account I got the “too many users have been registered on this device” error.

I had Identification, SERIAL, Location, Media, Network, Phone, Sensors, and System restricted in xPrivacy so I tried manually enabling %cid and %imei and left the rest as before - still got the same error.

Later on tried allowing everything for IG on xPrivacy but it then seems something is leaking… as IG is proposing my real country code (even though I’m behind a proxy) for the phone#. Checked browserleaks, everything seems fine… even DNS etc. matches up. Timezones match up as well.

How to proceed?

  1. What xPrivacy settings to use for it to not give this error? (WHILE STILL NOT GETTING YOUR SHIT LINKED)
  2. If not using xPrivacy at all - what is leaking? Cause it’s proposing my real country code on sign-up even though I’m behind an USA proxy. (FIGURED THIS OUT… READ UDPATE)

Thanks! :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Tried playing around with some of the options on xPrivacy. Luckily enough you can see exact variables that were called with the IG app. Disabled a ton of shit like “getSimCountryIso” for example but left some non-blocked like ID etc. and successfully signed up. Now just gotta split-test some different setups and farm them for a while to see what sticks.


Hey @aleksandr
How is your experience with those accounts? Much PVs?

That’s a whole lot of work to use a mobile than just to use android VM.

@abbecain: I signed up for them with proper phone numbers, not with emails.
@dddd: Can always mirror your screen on desktop and obviously if scaled you’d hire workers for it or automate it.

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Have you ever used App Cloner @aleksandr ?
Seems like a good way of creating accounts, but I never could pass the ‘too many devices created on this device’ despite ‘spoofing’ device ID, IMEI, Mac address, etc.

I haven’t nope. Yea you probably blocked/spoofed too many variables. I got that error initially as well with the IG app. Play around with the settings.

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Do you mind sharing which parameters you kept and which ones you disabled?

PM me with your Skype.

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same issues.

This is a 2 year old topic :neutral_face: There are many new topics about account creation, you should search for them.


I have been lol. I’ve been searching like crazy at all ends of the internet to try and resolve my issue and I can’t find a solution.

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I got the problem that xposed framework cant be installed so basically i wasnt able to use xposed apps/software.