Creating your own instagram accounts manually vs buying accounts

Is it possible to create multiple instagram accounts on your phone (about 3 for instance) and slowly grow them with mass planner? If so, how many would you recommend I create manually without having to purchase a private proxy?


you can create 3, sure, just don’t create them in the same day. Alternately you can also do this .


Thanks @Johnny , I actually have access to atleast 3 phones, so if I create 9 IG accounts (3 on each phone), and immediately start grooming them with massplanner slowly, would the switching of IP addresses raise any red flags with IG and potentially get me banned?

switching of the ips can always trigger a PV, if you can do the PV then you should be fine. Try it with 1-2 first so you make sure everything is in order, then more the others. Also I’d suggest you create the account on the same phone on different days.

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Try to use your data connection.

Tuning it on and off will “refresh” your ip and may help you avoid getting easily flagged once you switch to your proxy/vps ip.

how would that work, it’s still switching ips :slight_smile:

Well, I expressed myself pretty badly there.

What I found to work when I make new accounts is to use them for a day with a mobile.

I have an old phone and whenever I want to make a new account I just make a factory reset and create a new account using a sim card (It must give you internet connection). Then I warm up the account using it for one day or two with the data connection (I like to think of this as getting Instagram used to my account using different IPs). Finally I switch to my VPS.

It has been working really well for me :grin:.

As always, testing and trying new methods is the best way to ensure your success :sunglasses:.


The ultimate question is, which 1 would be more beneficial for the short and long run?

I guess we all know.

I for one don’t have the patience.

so luis are you saying If I have an old iphone and I create 5 instagram accounts on that phone then I do a factory reset then create 5 more then factory reset again then create 5 more, then I keep repeating this am I able to create 100 accounts this way? wont the phone id and everything be the same tho or does it change everything such as the imei number etc… and how would you create a new gmail for each account since they always want a mobile verification?

The thread is 2 years old… There are a lot more threads about account creation which are up to date.

what would be some good ones because I am on a super tight budget and only have 1 extra iphone … how would create fresh accounts from scratch because I need a new email address for each account I create and then gmail always wants a mobile verification and they said I have reached the maximum amount of gmail accounts because I am unable to get another phone or is there another way, and second how would I be able to create 100+ accounts from my single iphone 6s plus that I have and I have an old iphone 5s