Daily Follow Limit reached to early

Thank you @wortime @kripke i will use that in the future :slight_smile:

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So contacting the Jarvee Support would be the best in this case?

Please take a screenshot of your settings. Based on what you said, I assume it looks something like this.

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Maybe you have a typo in your sleep timer settings on the second Account and your bot is sleeping all day :slight_smile:Happend to me

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Im not at home anymore, i will do one when Im back Home
But yes it looks like this

Please post your settings when you do.

Try Greenshot for snipping tool works great.

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If they are yellow it means usually limits are reached or they are out of sources(which txt is there when you hover over?). so maybe the increase function doesnt work properly. You could try to increase manually and look if that works. And a screenshot of the the whole follow tab would be awesome! you have to learn the snipping tool mechanics anyway;

If you look at my screenshot of what his might look like, he has it set to 0-50 total per day.

So the tool (if these are his settings) is doing what it should. It chose a number between 0 and 50. He needs to increase that if he wants to have a higher number per day followed. No need for JARVEE support.

The wording is just a little weird and I no longer think about it.

So if he wants to follow 50 people per day and increase it to say 700 per day, then he needs to always move the 0-50 (the one on the left) to whatever number he wants per day. He’s warming them up, so he just needs to run this for the day, and then choose say 50 - 200 next week and so on.

The tool next to it on the right, should be set in smaller increments. Say between 3-9 per day until it hits whatever he wants his future max to be. He will still need to change the one on the right every week as it warms up.


Yes i agree the wording should be “increase the upper limit each day” because thats what it does it does. with these settings it does 0-100 the second day.

I have had also this problem it was related to the private accounts: if they have too many private requests not cancelled or approved, JARVEE will not be able to follow anymore and you have to cancel some from the app panel and then move on…

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By the way, that’s my warm-up set up:
The first repost on my first account was uploaded today.

Day 1 Connect proxy with account
Day 2 0-50 Follows
Day 3 50-100 Follows 1 Repost
Day 4 100-150 Follows, change profile picture
Day 5 150-200 Follows, 1 Repost
Day 6 200-250 Follows, change username
Day 7 250-300 Follows, 1 Repost
Day 8 300-350 Follows, 1 Repost
Day 9 350-400 Follows, change biography, 1 Repost
Day 10 400-450 Follows, 2 Reposts
Day 11 450-500 Follows, 2 Reposts

My plan is to simulate a person who first creates an Instagram account with their own name, biography, and personal profile picture. Then the person starts to like a niche and posts pictures and videos of the niche. And change username, bio and profile picture to match the niche.

So I wanted to simulate the process of getting someone inspired by Instagram. I think that is very human like.

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It’s your account and you can choose how you run it. BTW thanks for the screenshot, MUCH better.

You have it set to 0-50, so set it to 30 -50 for the first day, then the next day when you choose 50 -100 it will randomize it. I think it’s a bit aggressive, but that’s me.

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Okay thanks :slight_smile:
So that means you have to change it manually every time you want to increase your daily follow-up?
I thought with the increase, everyday it goes up the number you put in before.

Yes, I am always thinking about whether 50 per day is not too much. That’s why I posted my setup.
I could try it at 50 and if there are follow blocks go down to 40, if there are still some 30 and so on.
What do you think? Or rather directly 25 to be on the safe side?

Whatever you have in the box on the left is the max for the day. The wording and layout is a little weird and I just don’t think about it anymore.

Just put the number per day you want performed on the left, and how many you want to eventually increment to on the right. I would choose something a bit less if it’s a new account, but depending on account quality you might be just fine.

So change the one on the left daily if you want more daily.

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Okay, thank you very much :slight_smile:
You helped me a lot!

I got them from Henry, until now they work pretty well
But just 3rd day now

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The way you set it up is correct, but for some reason I haven’t had it work for me properly in a while. Maybe something needs to be looked at. I dunno.

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You mean it didnt worked for you to warm up with 50 follows per day?

Yeah, been a long time since I warmed up an account though. Maybe it doesn’t like the increments you have set, or the last update broke something. If you are in a hurry, set the one on the left to what you want. If not, try making it 15-50 and the increment on the right less than 50 per day. There was a minor issue where sometimes if you had a 0 as the starting it wouldn’t function properly but I thought they fixed it.

Still doesn’t work? Contact support

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I’m not in hurry, but I do not want to warm up the account longer than necessary. I think I set the Follow count to 25 on the first day and increase it by 25 every day. This is a warm-up of 3 weeks. Is that enough for a good trust score?

Okay I try it, otherwise I write to the support.

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