Danger: Stress Will Get You!

Lots of people have contacted me privately and shared similar issues. Obviously this stress is wrecking havoc on some of us.

I have been reading this book and am going to try the diet thats recommended. I have been told by the Drs that auto imune disease is incurable, this book says otherwise.

I have nothing to lose by trying a new diet.


My stress solution: stretching an hour every morning.

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Great to hear!

Yeah, totally agree with this. Itā€™s not worth it! All the millions are not worth it if you canā€™t spend it! I have adhd and this is a pre-requisite for being a bit depressed by default (my brain doesnā€™t produce regular dopamine levels) and also interferes a lot with my social life, and overall lifestyle: anxiety, not being able to work on a regular job (that one turned well in the end :smiley: ), anger issues, relations issues and some sort of stuff to which I couldnā€™t regulate myself to a nice life.

So, Iā€™ve started to biohack myself trying all sorts of things: diets, training, meditations (2019 - 140 mins every day, every fkin day, I had like almost 1000h of meditation that year). And Iā€™ve decomposed pretty nicely about what helps me and what not: I donā€™t drink coffee, caffeine makes it worst so I avoid it at all costs. trying now to quit alcohol for good even if I drink more rarely (the hangover is worst than the pleasure of drinking a few beers), avoiding toxic people that trigger me that includes some close family and relatives. Start doing cold baths, by far this one itā€™s the most distressful activity Iā€™ve tried. No showers, just cold baths, with under 10 degree Celsius - 5-7 mins, hitting the gym before to have a regulated heart rate and ready for a thermic shock. 3-4 times a week and trust me, try it and see afterward how you feel it. I am also in a weekly mastermind where we basically talk business, prosperity, and being vulnerable and helpful to each other and we are ranging from people that are unemployed to people that are millionaires. Meditations help, but I canā€™t make it just 15-20 mins I need to make 1h to feel the stillness and calm, also brain dumping with journaling helps a lot. Listening only to productive podcasts in the gym and avoiding junk foods of all costs, and sugar - hate it, I love fruits :innocent:

Get well, your service is solid so people need you, but take care of yourself too :pray:


Thanks for the backstory and kind words man! It does seem that this line of work creates demons. Great you took control oveer it. Atm im addicted to caffeine but an going to stop to try get my immune system normal again!

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The exact same thing happened to me and I ended up with something called sindrome miosfacial. It is very annoying but thank God it is reversible.

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Sorry to hear man. I went house sitting for two weeks and did less work and felt way better. Came back to work 3 days ago and now symptoms coming back.

Sorry to hear.
Get well soonā€¦ :crossed_fingers:
Remember that one has to be ā€œALIVEā€ to spend the money that one make. Health is without comparison the most expensive possession you have.


Long time no see man!


I am here. Just under the radar. :sweat_smile:
I wish you a speedy recovery my old friend.
God bless you.