Database of 90M+ IG users (no longer available)

Hi. I have a project to scrape all Instagram users and in the last week I’ve scraped so far:

@instagram 18M+ followers @addisonraee 24M+ followers @kendalljenner 23M+ followers @emrata 23M+ followers

Database of 90,168,117… I thought that it would be better to share database with everyone. Here’s the download link of 90M+ usernames and ID’s from 4 biggest Instagram accounts I scraped: [i removed the link for a reason].


Are you also scraping emails or only usernames?

I will share the link after I get it with anyone who replies to this comment.


This! Good people do exist

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very interested

lol nice strategy

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I can scrape everything, emails, phone numbers, but for this giveaway I will be scraping only usernames.

Nice nice :slight_smile:
Waiting for the link :slight_smile:

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Wow this is fascinating. I’m interested for sure.

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Very interested bro, appreciate the community help as well. I have also sent you a DM :slight_smile:

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At what rate can you scrape contact details (emails+phones)? I would be interested in paying you for this service.

Cool idea :slight_smile: thanks

:smiley: good luck with getting it :smiley:

Wow this is fascinating. I’m interested for sure.

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Can you send us your electricity bill ? I am curious how long it took you for this. But anyway I am interested. Thanks Man!

Interested on this. I guess the only wait to open the file with command line (less or other)

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super interested I’m in :partying_face:

God came to MPsocial when all members burning their scrape accounts with Jarvee.

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3rd wish: infinite wishes

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Is this offer still up? :slight_smile:

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