Did your Facebook accounts get disabled when you use safari in iphone?

Did your Facebook accounts get disabled when you use safari in iphone?

It seems that this happens a lot when using safari in iphone but not in computer. I always clear cookies in safari.

no, I have no issue using FB on safari, are you using your account from different devices and IPs? like automation software, phone, computer, and maybe other softwares?

No. Do you keep switching between multiple FB accounts on your browser? If not, there’s no need to clear cookies.

Yes. I use computer and mobile phone. For computer, I use my home IP. For mobile phone, I use home IP and cell phone IP in safari. I always clear cookies.

that’s weird I have never heard about someone having that issue, safari is a verified browser and you should not have those issues or blocks you must be doing something else, could be actions or settings…etc