Do engagement groups work?

I’ve been doing it for 3days on 3 posts so far. About 100 ish likes per post from that source, at least half of them over 10k, some in my niche but most not. I haven’t seen any more impression from explore.

What’s your experience?

some info
they work very very well.

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Hey Alex! I’ve read most of your post. So insightful! So the reason why they haven’t started working for me is lack of what exactly? Number of accounts? Niche? Quality of account? The fact they don’t follow me? The fact the click is from outside of Instagram?

wait till you get bigger – impact happens if other accounts are 50k plus… continue to use them as they raise er

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Btw what does it mean when people post BM in engagement groups rather than their link?

‘BM’? …is that right, video groups have a different way they do stuff and I don’t know their lingo