Do follow limits apply to contacts?

Does anybody know if the same follow limits still apply when it comes to following people from your contacts on your phone? I would assume Instagram may look at that differently, but not really sure… Anyone have experience with that?

I took some local prefixes and made a list of all possible phone numbers, then imported that into google contacts to sync with a cheap prepaid phone I bought just for this purpose. I used that phone to create an IG account and synced the contacts so I have all of those local users.

The plan is to set up a few different accounts this way with different local prefixes, follow all of them that sync, then end up with a group of accounts that cumulatively follow tens of thousands of local accounts.
I would then use these as a way to target local users for growing local business and real estate agent IG accounts.

I figure one of the first things a new user does is follow all of their contacts once they set up an account, so it would make sense to me that the same warm up period and follow limits wouldn’t really apply.

I think it did, because how the hell IG would know if the profile you followed was in the contacts on your phone?

They would need the access to the contacts (which they do not ask) and they will need to see if the profile you followed had a number associated and check with all the numbers from your contact list, and them they would say "well, it is in the contact list, this follow will not apply to the 6.000/30 (concrete theory) limits"…

It does not make sense at all for me

But as always, test and see

It’s an option in the app to give it permission to access and sync your contacts, and there’s a tab for it in the “Discover People” section of the account. So Instagram is actually the one giving me the list of users that are in my contacts and suggesting that I follow them.

I’m testing it out at a high rate, just want to see if anyone else has tested it out before I burn up accounts.

Cool! I did not know that. So maybe it is an exception!

So I tested this out on a brand new account. I put 2000 contacts in my phone from taking one local prefix and going from xxx-xxx-0000, xxx-xxx-0001, and so on up to 2000.

Then when I clicked Discover People, Contacts then Sync Contacts. About 550 of the 2000 contacts came up as having accounts. It had a big button at the top that said “follow all 550 contacts” so I hit that and it automatically followed all of them. About 300 of them were public profiles so those were followed instantly and the rest were requested.

Then I swapped those contacts out for the next 2000, had closer to 800 sync and did the same thing. No problems at all. Instagram actually encouraged me to follow all of them at once with a giant button.

This is simply a test account that I’m not worried about anything happening to so I’m going to push it to see if I can take it all the way.

I figure once I max on following I’ll use the scrape tool on Jarvee to find dead accounts, unfollow them, then keep going.

Once I push this further I’ll post more updates. I think there are a few ways to utilize this depending on the type of users being targeted.

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You can actually do that from any part of the world just by knowing the targeted areas phone numbers, that might be the next big thing :+1: Can you add 7500 accounts in one day?