Do i look like a robot?

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-30 at 11.57.11 AM

Actually i am a accounts provider and have to deal with this daily for sure.
i’ve been fed up by this and writting this out of rage :expressionless:
these catpcha creators are really morons. actually i dont know they want the whole poll for the light or the brighten ups. can’t understand them and it is the most annoying part of the work.
But it doesn’t mean my accounts are of bad quality :slightly_smiling_face:


Get a Captcha solver,why are you solving it yourself?

i have but i also have to take care of some of the matters and also it is not just about ig
wherever i go i see his face :joy:

hahaha it’s like we are the robots and they are the humans and we have to prove our humanity, step one into robot domination world :joy: :joy:


We all feel your pain :smiley: We see them too often these days :smiley: