Please avoid mentioning software names. We are all most likely using the same program so just say “program”. It really isn’t that hard.
I want some of what you’re smoking.
Jokes aside, PM’ing you.
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Bruh. Okay! Sorry bout that.
Ok, thanks
Jarvee is the exception to the rule
Correct me if i ´m wrong, in my attempt to correct you because you ´re wrong.
Tell me what software names pop up in the ig marketing section. I ´ll tell you, it’s Jarvee.
Do you have Asperger’s?
Autistic people are misunderstood smart guys.
If you wanna call me a misunderstood genius feel free to.
However wether you are capable to know it or not, jarvee is the exception to the rule.
What “programs” are these guys talking about on our nature lovers board?
The wildlife conservation program of course!
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First rule of fight club
Can’t we all just get along?