Do you really get even 50% sms from online services?

I just got some 2year + accounts blocked and a while ago 10 fb accnts ban when tried to use various online sms services.Only 2-3 accnts get away with those numbers.
So my question is …Do you Really receive sms from those services for your accnts ? If yes , which ones ? and don’t tell me smspva or smpanel or gesmscode because my accnts were killer by them

Also , does follower/following ratio can flag an account for ban ?

Do ig not care changing number for pva ? Because i started seeing the oposite…

Thanx ! (for card i wait to choose cheap supply , please don’t suggest that)

I was able to verify 10+ IG accounts with same phone number by hand. I didnt try more.
Just imagine how many verification codes recieve single number a month from services like smspva. :wink:

No, I got maybe 10 percent MAYBE. I literally JUST got my sims and phone and verified my first account and it worked perfect. thx @BuySimCards.

Yes, Some numbers can get by their system using places like Hidemynumbers. But it isn’t worth rolling the dice. Especially if the account is already PV or has a decent following.

In my opinion, I always keep my following rate down to 2000 follows and under. I think it looks super spammy if it isn’t a really old account with decent activity. Go by the rule of thumb that if it looks bad it probably is :grimacing:

Try to keep it the same number, But if they are good numbers nobody has ever used for ig accounts, I don’t see why not.

But check out my journey, you could learn something if you’re new! (I didn’t check if you were new)


They safe its safest to max at 5. I do 1 to 1 for everything so instagram cannot track anything of mine. My accounts need to be bullet proof :smiley:


I’ve been using massplanner since september 2016 and using one of the service which you stated in your post. Yes, I got away most of the time even if changing number through pva. The rest of my accounts which got banned are mostly due to bad accounts or proxies. Although I only use the getsms for accounts which I set and forget in mp just to grow them. Personal business accounts which i plan/already monotize are using my own personal sim card. Yup my number hit the limit for pva already but my accounts still do well. (I stick to safe and low settings even on aged accounts btw if you’re wondering. Have you tester creating own accounts and doing the same thing and see if the results are the same?

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Ok , are you affiliating or protecting sms pva or something ? do you want to make 20 accnts follow more , need pv and saw what’s going to happen using Different numbers from sms pva ?

with screenshot also , just if you are stuff of them do something with the numbers.Some may work at many cases no sms to recieve , then user changes many times numbers and ig tracks it

Oh sorry man ! did not read good your words ! Just being a little crazy smspva has killed many of my accnts , you are right Especially sms pva = Death of accnts

Yes , but if i use fresh created i may flag proxies , so again damage… but better than killing 6 month +

aksi @khai with real sim how many accnts you verify per 1 ? does ig sees 1 number verifies accounts from diff locations (proxies?) thanx

Well, I create accounts myself with different wifi and phones since I have a better result than buying accounts. And I run them with super low settings like 20 per day and increase it slowly.(i have no link on most of my accounts btw). I apologise as I never did got an aged account before :sweat_smile:

I’m unsure about whether ig sees it that way. I couldn’t remember how many accounts I verify it with since currently, but if i try pva-ing with this number, they would say phone number used too many times or smth like that.


I was starting to believe that, as well. However, I figured out how to make it work 100% of the time.

Requires a cellular connection & a PC.

Account gets flagged for phone verification in MP. Connect to the cell network with your PC - make sure you have a fresh IP. Disconnect & reconnect if need be. Do not use a proxy.

Open a private browser window, log in to the account in question.

You’ll see the phone verification screen. Go to smspva, get a number & feed it to IG.

You should have your code within a few minutes & should be able to successfully verify.

Keep the browser open - go back to MP, set the browser useragent (under social profile -> show advanced profile settings) to match the useragent of the browser you used to do the phone verification. See this page (

If MP still wants you to phone verify, make a minor tweak or change to the username to get rid of that prompt (but make sure you reset the username to the correct value!) then click “verify”.

Should now show a verified status.

You should still have the browser up on your PC, browse around a little bit, like a few posts, do some random activity before closing.

I’ve phone verified 12 accounts this way since yesterday & every single one of them has worked.

Now, not all of those steps may be necessary, but I’m superstitious so I do it the same way every time :wink:

Use a hot spot, tether your phone, mobile router, etc.


First time i heard that ! haha ! so you go to different places and create accnts with public wifi ? No problem after putting them to proxie ? Do they survive to month ?

Haha well it’s some sort the same as this @BrandonBerner’s thread. You could check it out :).

Yup, all lasted above 1 month and oldest account is from September. Only a few accounts got pva-ed but it doesn’t really matter since you can pva with your own phone, family phone, friends phone etc, the list is endless. Don’t worry about it actually since you are creating your own accounts so you don’t lose any money. Just test it out and see it it works well for you :slight_smile: , nothing to lose. Just remember to stick with low settings though,

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More than a thnx for your answer , i cannot buy a ton of sim cards.Nor putting in my phone all the time diff sims to verify.10-20 will be ok for my basic accnts.So as i understand(if i did…) :

a) Requires a cellular connection & a PC -> I currently have 3 residential ip’s (2 routers one uses 2 diff residential like i am at other town) , so will the one of the 2 be ok to use on my one pc for account pva from smspva ? When i change back to mp-proxy , shall it need again pva due change of location ?

b)Keep the browser open - go back to MP …ect -> Suppose i read the link provided and know how to do it , shall i have used the computer where massplanner is installed to login to my one/3 ip’s ? or a second computer (that does not have mp on it , may teamviewer to connect to that has mp) ?Do i need the computer that has mp installed do the proccess ?
Also shall i disconect the account from mp , before i do the process ?Won’t mp try to autoconnect to the account so it’s connected through proxy + ip together ?

-If MP still wants you to phone verify, make a minor tweak or change to the username to get rid of that prompt -> do you mean the username of the account in mp ? Or in ig ?(mp i think you mean :D)

Thanx again , very valuable information ! If you wish 1 twitter 1-6month with 500 follower gift for your help , dm me your mail to deliver !

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Honestly, I think the magic here is using an IP from a cellular provider. I haven’t tried with residential IPs.

I use a totally different computer.

Yes, in Mass Planner. Seems that if you don’t do the phone verification through mass planner, it’ll never get rid of the prompt to do it. So by making a small change to the username & then fixing it - you’ll get the normal “verify” prompt.

That’s very kind, but we share info freely around here. No payment needed!

Good luck

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Do they last above one month , or they last till now ? how much % of them ? For how long they last i don’t mean pva i mean actual ban.Haven’t tried fresh yet but i will do some to see.i’m inpacient with low settings for Months

“Don’t worry about it actually since you are creating your own accounts so you don’t lose any money” , Time is much worst than losing some $ , i got bot to make resh accnts , but what’s the point losing time ? If i got and more $ i would probably buy already at my niche with real followers 1000%
Qute : i don;t sell accnts , if i do i will post on marketplace

Yes they did last all the way till now. I would say maybe 95% of my account but well it varies for different people due to settings. I stick with very low settings which I don’t think alot of people would do lol.

Athought I did a mistake of not adding more accounts for the first few months since I was just concentrating on a few.

Well it was just a suggestion and how I do things since I start up with low cost. Sure, losing some time but you learn from settings and which settings is your own ‘sweet spot’. Well it depends people’s perceptive :slight_smile: Hope things work out for you, have a good day my friend.

It’s true , setting matter more , this must be my focus from next week.Got almost 50 accnts from second day , you don’t want so see how low % follow back…i stopped everything.Your first accnt 22+ ?! Amazing ! Just take one sim and Secure this account like a diamond :wink: Have a nice day 2 !

Do you delete user agent data from MP advanced profile settings after PV?