Do you think Porn affects our brains?

This may sound like a sensible topic to talk about, but I’m addressing this question to the elders for them to answer to the youngsters.

I am one of the youngsters who just started to read about porn effects on the brain. Not gonna lie, I am watching porn on a weekly basis since I was 13 or 14 and after I started to read about it recently, I actually discovered some stuff about myself I wasn’t aware of.
I am not addicted to porn, but sometimes I feel like a video would do me good, which is wrong.

Also, someone sent me this guy on YouTube and he’s doing a great job with his journey.

[](http://NoFap guy)

As an older guy, what could you recommend to the youngsters that are exposed to this industry?

I would recommend going to the gym. Personally I don’t think restricting yourself in that area has any long term benefit, in contrast to not working out. I go to the gym every day and have never been more productive. Proper diet (plant based, kick out dairy at least, I don’t even consume meat anymore), sports and a plan for the day should keep you on track.

Most people look for over-complicated solutions whereas the number one problem is a healthy diet and enough water during the day. Keep in mind that food is the fuel for your body/brain. Not sure not fapping has a huge effect on your energy levels to a certain point.


thing with nofap is that when you do it, you release
testosterone and you get “lazy” in a slightly way. If you keep your mind on track with resisting the urge to release semen without actually having sex with women, it gives you a whole new perspective. I had periods of time without fapping, like, 2-3 months, and now after I started to read about it, I realized I was better that way. I was more secure on taking decisions and I was interacting with people differently.

I personally see watching porn as a real issue as sometimes, when I encountered having sex with women, I treated them as objects somehow.


Try working out every day (especially legs), you won’t have issues with test levels even while having a healthy relationship. Might be for people with low test levels that nofap actually produces results, for me it does not. :slight_smile:

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Try to get some girl or hooker and just fuck her daily, and you won’t have time to think about stupid things like this :joy:


bro you just need more clients, then you forget about wanting to masturbate, sometimes even you forget to eat, just make sure you dont forget to drink…



Join our club #nonutnovermber

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Yo, don’t jump on me like that! I actually have a good job right now and I’m very happy with it. It’s just I started to read about this and my brain made the connections. I wanted to spread the word around because of this and because of NNN :smirk::smirk::smirk:

bro dont get me started, i donated 30 bucks to TeamTrees cuz I failed first day.

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damn! now that’s a challenge

haha is that a real thing?!

it actually is :smiley:

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Yes it does, because it’s so easily accessible you can loose your drive in real life.
Some athletes avoid any sexual activity before competing

I’m only 23, so maybe not the oldest one here, but I do have quite a few thoughts on this subject, being as I used to be a daily viewer of pornographic material from age 16 to age 19. From age 19 to 21 I decreased usage to 1-2 times a week, and now at 22 I’m stopping altogether.

Honestly, it just makes you look at girls in a sexual manner, which is normal to a degree, but when it gets to the point that you can only look at girls in a sexual manner (because that’s the only time you’re seeing them due to pornography), then it’s an issue.

From a physical standpoint, doing the “deed” does cause issues physically. Take it from the guy getting blue balls for no reason every 2-3 days- the process of your body getting used to not getting a “release” all the time is pretty brutal.

In conclusion, there’s a good reason why lust is looked at negatively in the Bible.

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The average person nah. Most people know that porn isn’t reality and have a healthy relationship with it.

The last couple of years there’s this huge anti-porn and anti-jacking off coalition built around broscience. There’s no evidence that not jacking off or not watching porn does anything. Don’t let the charlatans and grifters fool you.

At the end of the day it’s your choice whether or not you want to beat your little pecker off. Don’t trust anyone who’s career is telling you not to jack off. They’re weird

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This is actually false. There are multiple peer reviewed studies of the effect of porn on the brain. There is also a medically classified addiction to porn.


Show me the studies and sources

Here are some proving me right:



I have been educating myself about this for more than a year now (for many reasons, including an academic research paper) and to reply to your question: Yes, watching porn changes the brain a lot more than you would think.

Most of the literature opposing “pornography addiction” focuses on explaining that research in the topic is either insufficient or incomplete and many also try to play on the definition of “porn” and “addiction”.

Regardless, I’m not here to say whether porn is intrinsically bad or good, but rather to let you know that it does in fact change your brain (psychologically, neurologically and physically speaking). It also affects your overall health, perspective on life, and real-life relationships regardless of whether it can be termed an addition or not.

Just focusing on the effects on the brain:

1- It induces a reward seeking behavior by releasing high levels of Dopamine

Just like the use of drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines, and opioids highjack our brain’s reward system by exaggerating the release of dopamine to unnatural levels, porn does too.

2- It can result in addiction
These high levels of Dopamine releases can desensitize your brain, ultimately leading to addiction.

3- Watching port can result in what is now termed as Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction

This does not mean that males have physical problems, but rather that at some point, some men need a lot more arousal because mentally, their brain has been changed/desensitized.
Some men have also said that they need to think of porn while having sex in order to keep up with their partner.

The following article explains this more in detail with references to scientific papers:

4- Structural differences in the brain: High volume porn viewers showed less gray matter in a person’s right cuadate.

Of course, the research doesn’t specify a causal relationship between both but the physical difference exists.

Ultimately, it all comes down to the fact that watching porn can result in an addiction. And like any addiciton, this is not good.

Further Reading:






Man you are all crazy, only thing that is affecting your brain is fucking media and bullshit that you read. People are jerking off since forever, and now it’s not good, people are bunch of fucking snowflakes today, internet and everything that goes with it like social media are the worst things that could happen to this world. Only thing I like about it, that you can make money on it. Everything else will only fuck up people. In some countries I heard people started accepting some retarder trend where you stop having sex with your wife after you are 30+ years old. Wtf is going on, nothing bad with jerking it off if you don’t have girl to fuck, if you have girl that you can fuck every day, then you don’t need to jerk off. And fighters and other athletes avoid having sex because it will take energy, and you need energy before match or whatever sport you are doing. After they finish they fuck bunch of girls.

People are jerking off is a lot different than people are jerking off to insanely unrealistic and deviant things…