Does instagram ghost follow?

Hi, does instagram have same system as twitter where you follow someone and he don’t see notification? As i recently tried to bot some accs but followback was tragic and i heard that ghosting on instagram is real.

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Not that I’m aware of. Maybe the people just don’t like the bots you use.

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Are you positive that the accounts that you follow are real users? You need to make sure that the accounts that you follow have a high follow-back ratio. Also never heard of the ghosting thing.

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How about situation that mp bot said it did follow and there’s no info about follow block but in reality that follow didnt stick? Is this possible?

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Yeah those can be follow blocks. But that won’t effect your fbr.
You can go into EB and follow manually and see whats happening.

Are you scraping externally or internally?

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As @heroeslair said, that’s a follow block, and if you are using the EB to follow users you can open the embedded browser and try to follow manually and see what happens.

If you follow someone else correctly, he should get a notification. You can test by following some of your accounts and see.

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i don’t think so, you can add one of your accounts as source in the bot you’re using, after those accounts followed it, check the notifications manually to see if they show up in your notifications tab.

regarding blocks, if you use EB, i would suggest you set your account to logout when it gets blocked on the EB and rest the account for 1-2 days.

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internally, i have scraper accounts that are scraping for mains.

every social media does – not just twitter

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yes IG can shadow block you if they suspect your actions, you can easily test that using two accounts and see if you will get the notification or not.

Quick Awnser: No not like you describe it. In the “Heart” Tab or Notification Tab you will always see everyone that follows you (except the account gets deleted or PV which also makes your account not publicly visible anymore most of the time). But what People actually get Notifications for (Push Notifications) is a different story. They can 100% Control that and show something or not show something. Also the user can turn it off as well.

But like other people said here. Follow Back Ratio depends on how many people are actually real + are interested in your Content. If one or the other is not given, they will not follow and ergo your FBR will go down

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yes, I agree it doesn’t matter if you get 200 follow back a day where 10 of those are real and the rest is fake, i would rather have 30 to 40 real users following my account back so that i can benefit from that on different levels.