Does Jarvee tiktok posting work well?


I want a way to schedule a lot of posts on a lot of different TikTok accounts. Will using the Jarvee TikTok posting feature hurt the reach of the videos? Are there any other good scheduling bots?

TikTok is not working on Jarvee at the moment. They are still working on it.

it’s been 2 months I’ve been reposting and I don’t think it penalizes the reach. go for it

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thanks for the reply! Are you using 4g proxies for tiktok or do you think datacenter ones would work fine?

i am using 4g

It’s definitely better to use 4G Proxies.

4g proxies are very trusted by social media networks, so it’s always a good idea to use them your main accounts.

Yep, use 4G. They are the best.

4G will be the way to go. Use one with Rotation. You can also run a lot of accounts on one 4G Proxy

Hello brother , can you help me with some providers that actually works with 4g rotating , i can’t find one :frowning_face:

thanks for helping me appreciate it

There are some on the Marketplace here.
I sent you a DM with the one I personally use

can you send me too @Derdam

I recently tried and it seems to don’t works :confused: