Does your average engagement mean anything for future posts?

I am debating whether hiding the low engagement posts on my feed in order to increase my accounts average engagement will improve the performance on future posts. Will this make any difference whatsoever?

I did this for one of my accounts and haven’t seen a huge difference in performance itself. Maybe you could try it for some weeks and see what happens.

However, it does offer a cleaner look if you are working with brands/sponsors. There is a setting in which you can delete posts which have a lower engagement rate.

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weird question but what if you take of high engagement post to lower the average so its easier to beat it ? does that make sense ?

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Why would it? Presumably Instagram has some sort of internal metric for your account to see if a post is doing above average. There’s zero reason to believe they would recalculate this based on deleting or archiving posts. It would just be more work for the system

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It’s not going to change anything, it just makes your account look better when you are looking for sponsors or want to do paid shoutouts.

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