Dropshipping sources

Hello guys! In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking on starting a dropshipping business in a specific niche, and I started to look for cheap suppliers, so my question is:

-Apart from aliexpress is there any other website that I could use to dropship ? eg.: 1688.com

I still couldnt figure it out if I could do it with 1688.com, so if any of you uses it or knows something about it, I would be very happy to hear :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance and sorry for any grammar issue, have a great day !

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What you need to check is their shipping. Ali makes the shipping easy and it’s international. And of course it being english makes things easier.

Plus, it has a bunch of plugins that works with Ali so it will make your life just a tad easier when importing and placing orders.

Truth is, most times sellers via Ali is dropshipping via 1688.


Yes it would be easier to go for Ali, but the products that I looked for, are only sold by 1688 :frowning2:
I am still trying to figure it out if 1688 shipping is international aswel or just for China.

Anyone have any experience with GirlMerry.com?

You can always sent them to a temporary warehouse . And then ship worldwide from there .

oberlo seems like a decently legit way to source for newbies


You need an agent to get things from 1688 to the rest of the world. There are a lot of them and their rates vary.