Effective Morning Routines

Cold instagram update every day, good thing I have boxing bag in my house…

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Here’s how it usually goes for me:

  • Wake up (6:00 - 6:30 on a work day / naturally on an off day)
  • Watch 20 - 60 minutes of series / documentaries / informative videos in bed to wake my mind up (usually something intellectually stimulating)
  • Get out of bed
  • Bio energizing orienting exercizes
  • Shower
  • Double coffee with a teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Begin work and intermittent fast till 12:00

-Wakeup 5AM
-Turn off Math Alarm (3 Math problems, firing logical left side of brain)
-Write down lucid dreams in dream journal
-Write down what I’m grateful for, happy for, excited for, enjoying, committed to, who I love, who loves me, and how that makes me feel
-Write Down brief freewrite
-Look over today’s schedule (Written night before)
-Look over NTD list (Not-To-Do)
-Brush teeth
-Stopwatch ON
-Grab Gallon Jug of water from fridge
-Leave by 530AM for gym

What do y’all do to build momentum for your day?


@Duncan.Music that’s solid!

Here’s mine:

  • 6:30 wake up
  • grab a banana from the fridge… I can’t work out with an empty stomach :wink:
  • Fix the mess on my head (my hair is always fucked up in the morning)
  • Gym
  • 1 liter of smoothie (bananas, berries, milk & vegan protein) because I’m trying to gain weight
  • Shower
  • Get to work

@Grummel1 Boss :muscle:

Does your gym have a sauna + shower?

At the end of my workouts I end with 10 min sauna then immediately hop in a cold shower for less than 3-5 min,

The sauna helps sweat out my impurities then the hot to cold switch shocks my nervous system and makes me completely awake for the day, also I use the shower faster cause its so cold and want to get out there fast, and I have my clothes to change into when I get out that I set in my bag the night before so I don’t have to stay sweaty, drive home, then shower, etc…Just something that helps me a lot and saves me time


My gym does not have a sauna :confused: But I like the suggestion, I’ll give it a try the next time I can access a sauna.

I’ll have to adjust my morning routine pretty soon anyways. Leaving the life as I know it and heading out into the world. Gotta build a flexible routine that doesn’t depend on location :slight_smile:

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Ayee thats whatsup brotha! What are some non-negotiables that you HAVE to (you make yourself) do daily no matter what? Journaling, reading, etc. ?

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  • Work is non negotiable
  • Workout is non negotiable except for sundays
  • Planning my day in advance is non negotiable except for Sundays (I use those for reflecting on my week and planning the coming week)
  • Reading SHOULD be non negotiable, but isn’t yet :confused:

I want to add a lot more things to that list, but it takes time to build a lifestyle :slight_smile:

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Broooo completely agree! Great habits FTW

Sundays I don’t do any work I completely rest the entire day I believe it’s important to respect the Sabbath and stay in the rhythm of God. However, I stop by the gym (live 5-10 min away) and only stretch just to make sure I went to the gym and continue my lifestyle I’ve built (Over 90 days). It’s relaxing, doesn’t feel like work, and I feel like when you start to attach certain things to your identity it makes it easier to form a habit.

For example if someone believes “I’ve always been a smoker as long as I can remember and always going to be a smoker Its who I am I’m a smoker” how hard is it going to be for them to QUIT smoking?..

If on average you were to workout at least 1 hour per day for the rest of your life and you were to gain 3-5+ years on your life expectancy plus you would look, feel, and perform better (mentally, physically, better decisions, many other hidden rewards, etc.) then,

Would 18,250 hours working out (50 years * 365 days * 1 hour) be worth the potential 8,030 to 25,550 hours (3 years*365 days times 24 hours or 5 years gained = 26,280 to 43800) that could be gained if done correctly?

There’s other factors in play such as nutrition, sleep, etc. but would adding nutrition to your skillset with practice of 45 min to 1 hour a day (cooking/meal prep) and the amount of time + noticeable/hidden benefits gained in the long term be worth it as well?

Opportunity cost!! :sunglasses:


Love it! Lots of value there :slight_smile:

Takes me 30 minutes to get there so I just do a small workout at home. Some pushups or something to get my body warmed up.

Love the way you think man, let’s stay connected :wink:

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2 Hour

Wake up (8-9am)
Eat breakfast (meal prep usually egg whites and turkey bacon w black coffee 30 minutes)
Workout at gym (1 hour)
Shower (15 minutes)
Focus/Meditation (15 minutes)

Coffee is still kicking, body is a bit physically tired but this entire routine helps me clear my mind of any noise

Wake up at about 10am.
Continue developing my app where I left off last night.
Work until I’m starving.
Have a quick breakfast while developing.
I made a bit of a mistake and listed a huge discount for app development for this month so I’ve got alot of developing to do.
Check with my marketing people about sales for my own app. Code.Code.Code.Code.
Work. Work. Work. Eat quick usually unhealthy meal while working Work till 3am

I do desperately need to change my routine.

Add some stretches , mediations , working out , meal prep , gym time , periods of no work. It would make me such a happier person but I really can’t help it I’m so deep in to my routine I can’t even stop on Sundays .

It’s a new month so I’m really going to try to change my routine this month for a better work life balance.


Seem a like you’re working pretty hard…why not work smarter instead?

There was once a plane of engineers and scientists who crash landed on an island.

They got out the plane and immediately grabbed machetes and started chopping away trees in one direction to escape the island. Chop chop chop chop chop. They were working HARD!

They got super far until one random dude who didn’t feel like chopping simply climbed up a tree and surveyed the land in front of them.

He called down to the group of HARD workers and said “hey guys, you’re working really hard, but the city for our escape is in the exact opposite direction”

(From Tai Lopez)

Wanna work smarter (survey the land, make sure you’re going in the right direction, etc.) or harder (just start working hard and hope you’re going in the right direction)?

Wait why were they chopping trees for ? Shelter ? Fires? And what does it mean that the city is in the opposite direction ? Won’t they need a fire on their way there ? How far in the opposite direction is it ?

I dont usually work so hard but I want to build my portfolio which currently only has 3 apps well 3 that an proud to share the others were not so good . So I took on some apps for really cheap to do this.

I figure I’ll work hard for a short while and the plan will pay off. So I can eventually charge higher prices and not have to work so hard.
Am also perfecting my skills and working faster because I’m practising so much.

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The weekdays – on the weekends I get up at 6:00 am and do the posting and go back to sleep :
3:30 a.m wake up.
3:31 a.m. bathroom ( hey at my age :slight_smile: – hehe)
3:35 -4:05 am-- cold coffee – cigarettes – go outside and post to 30+ pages manually. ( I have posts downloaded from the past that are all viral on my phones – mix posts with captions.
4:05 – 5:30 am eat and get ready for work.
5:30 – leave for the train to go to work.
5:45 – 6:30 – on the train – get story posts – read and check statistics and account performance – clients stuff and mine.

This has been my morning routine for the past 4 years.


They were chopping trees to escape/get off the island they crash landed on,

They city in the opposite direction shows how they just started “working hard” and didn’t even take time to climb a tree and survey the land to see what was out there and if they were going to right way to escape

They would need a hell of a lot more fire if they went the exact opposite direction of the city for the escape meaning the deeper they chop Into the forest in one direction, the farther and more time and effort it takes to go back to where they started, and in the right direction

When it comes to practice, be careful because only perfect practice will ever make perfect. If you only ever practice spelling cat “K A T” you’ll always spell it K A T and never spell it C A T

Keep grinding brotha! Why don’t you map out your success before you dive in?

I fell in love with your routine :joy:

I’m very happy to hear that a lot of us fellow computer nerds are including working out in their daily routines :+1::muscle::clap: