Engagement super down, don't know how to fix it

yes but this supposition is based on your experience so it potentially in theory can be true who knows … but yes like you said it’s not a fact

Debate all you want on your ideas – this account was damaged by deleting followers – not any damn theory of this or that. 9 out of ten times when you hear – my likes/ER got down by 90 percent, there is a story of removing ‘ghost followers’ told or not told.

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It’s only natural that hiding likes will have an impact on engagement, as marketers it’s pretty ridiculous to deny that from a psychological and social standpoint.
Think of your choice of restaurant, do you go to the empty restaurant, or to the one that is active and well composed with people?
There are already quite some sources talking about this, and for someone who keeps track of a few dozen IG accounts it’s already obvious to see the engagement drop pattern from the last 2 months

Your take on this is that IG is stupid enough to make it look like the whole mall is empty, not just a single restaurant, with their changes?

The only true data that matters is theirs and their testing.
And you seem to think they’re deliberately making a bad decision, if this really decreased engagement from users.

You’re giving your own psychological and social perspective more credit than the whole business force that is the top app in the world…


My example was refering to likes and likes alone, I didn’t say they were explicitly making a bad decision.
(even though, not like they haven’t done them before), especially for themselves as a company.
Engagement has largely dropped across the platform and that’s a fact.
Another fact is that now more than ever there are plenty more older people, companies and businesses on the platform, which means it has larger revenue potential.
Their drive is money, and facebook is an example of that.
If they were so pro-consumer they wouldn’t try to keep control of the entire social media environment by buying/trying to buy every single booming platform.

I like how the anti-platform arguments are always adjacent to the hate that Facebook gets for being a business and ultimately about money, just because of the twisted notion that their apps should be free and that they shouldn’t make any money out of being the biggest player in the biggest consumer market currently.

And it’s quite unfair to also use their portfolio of apps against them, when they were ridiculed for the price they paid for Instagram and Whatsapp back then.

You make it clear that your argument is mostly emotional and not very rooted in logic. Otherwise you truly believe that they got to where they were by making bad decisions.

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Do you work for facebook? Why do you label me as “anti platform”, and what does that even mean?
It’s hard to talk about a topic when you continue to purposefully put things in my mouth when I clearly never said any of those things.
It’s not"my own" reality. Platforms change. Instagram engagement drop is correlated with hiding likes. In the end does it benefit or not the company or the user, or both? I don’t know

Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Mark promised me one thing:
“Facebook is a free platform, and will always be”

Let’s assume that we both are men of their words,
Who is a better men of a word today hm?
Me who still use fb for free or him who monetize the hell out of his app?
FB is not a typical business, it is what it is today ONLY because it was a free platform.
In fact, it was NEVER a free platform, because the currency here is your data, not money, too bad many people don’t realize how precious it is.
Just like plenty of other games/ apps, they lured people.
Is it ethical to give sth for free, get people dependent and then charge $?

Guys - IG continually is crashing. From DM’s to feeds not uploading on certain servers. When this happens I see clients bitching immediately. IG is super buggy and unfortunately (at scale, bc I only talk at scale), engagement is going to spike. There are other reasons that are mind blowing, but this is good for now.

IG = Shit


I dunno, my Facebook is still free.

Unless you mean that they gave you free exposure, got people dependent on making a ton money from said exposure, and then they decided they want a cut from it since they’re the platform after all.

Do you understand how traditional advertising works and how much better their Ads platform is?
Their media platforms combined with their ad platforms is possibly the best business tool that was built on top of the internet.

Yet here you are complaining, even tho you likely never paid them a cent.

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