Error Code 168 - Timeout Occurred


Anyone here who encounters Error Code 168 - Timeout Occurred when trying to retweet using JV?
Been getting this a lot even with the new updates.

All my proxies are working good and fast so it can’t be my proxies.

First of all you need to make sure that you are using the Twitter URL when verifying your proxies, if not, your proxies might show a valid status but they are not working for Twitter so check that first then verify your proxies again and see.

If the issue persist you can contact their support there might be a bug or something that they can fix.

It’s working fine on my side. I’m using keyword as source.

What sources are you using?

Are other tools giving you timeout error too? if so, the issue may be on your machine.

It’s best to contact their support, they will help you out. Cheers

I use specific accounts as target source for retweets. What’s weird is that it works on sometimes but most of the time it does not.

I tried changing the proxy verification URL to and it all said dead proxies when I try to verify. But when I browse an EB to check, it works and it seems just fine. So I don’t know what’s with that. Probably a software bug.

I have the exact same problem, I guess it’s a glitch.

Has anyone figured out how to fix this issue? Been getting this error on all of my Twitter accounts :frowning:

I think Jarvee has released a new update with a fix for a Twitter Retweet issues. Try restarting Jarvee and see if that helps.

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Yes, fixed it already. Thanks!