Every post viral with 8k followers

I think this is someone from you guys
look at this account: meow_kimo
a cat with 8k followers and the videos are clicked with 30.000-80.000 views and 5-15k likes
how is that possible? When i simply repost i get maybe 100 views by 1k followers
Never done things like delete or change metadata, do you think this is a gamechanger?

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Multiple engagement groups? Large bot network? They’re also cat videos which is always big on the internet.

If you can really push that initial engagement you can get a lot of discovery quickly. Plus if your posts tend to have mass engagement Instagram makes it that much more easy for you to break through the discovery ceiling on future posts. That’s why not working on engagement early on can really bite you in the ass later on down the road.

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One of my reposted videos got 30k views and 1.8k likes (i had around 1.5k followers, but no insights)

Now this is so far my most liked picture (This Account has 3k Followers now)

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simple – i think they tell followers( or owned accounts/ eg/dm groups ) to spam comments with hearts 6 times possibly for a follow back or shoutout or both.
comments tell ya the clue


There’s a repost account in my niche that hits explore and ranks on every hashtag but only has 4k followers. No idea how they pull it off, but it’s highly annoying.


fuck 10k likes with 4k subs, respect to this motherf

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Furry van lifers was not the result I was expecting to see, thankfully.


This is a very well made picture!

That’s me on the left. :wink:


I wish it was mine lol. I bought a preset pack from the guy who shot it. My dogs are much better looking but that’s a hard angle to shoot.

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Isn’t it also interesting why on earth such accounts are often stuck with thousands of (or even hundreds of) followers for long, despite that engagement rate? :thinking:

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people see the post and like it through the explore page and have to much ego to follow that person :smiley:

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ive noticed a few pages with 90% + engagement with around 10k followers in my niche but one of the keys definitely seems to be no hashtags and using some sort of power likes /engagement groups

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We should all give up on our current methods and just start posting pictures of our cats…


Million views

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That’s something I wanted to ask too: do you guys think such “small” accounts (less than 50k followers), which constantly get 100k-500k views for most of its posts, are simply buying views? I understand they post videos with viral potentials, but meanwhile a lot of similar accounts with >100k followers only have 10k–50k views for their videos.

No. My friend is at 1M impressions but only has around 2k followers. He does get tons of views though. I personally think that the way accounts like that grow is done organically, but you can never be sure

Edit: some might though. I can’t speak for every account out there

the great majority do not buy. they get them becuase 1. content is excellent (viral material) 2. EG is good(be it natural or self produced) 3. insta seen previous high views and they are preferred over others in explore feed.

I’m in the cat niche and its entirely possible to get those results organically lol.

I really don’t have an explanation for it besides that the cat community is VERY active.

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