Exchange Pinterest Board

If anyone is interested in Pinterest board exchange with me i have around 30k followers. My niche is health, fitness, and weight loss.


Yes i am interested exchange boards. My niche is also health, fitness, and weight loss.

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Yes I am. Just send me the link of your pinterest profile

I’m interested in, please send me the link

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Amazing what’s your strategy to grow to 30k ? :hushed:

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Hey, I’m interested in exchange, please let me know your account/boards…

Interested!! Please, send me the link

@RaphaelReborn @romko @cacats

Guys checkout this Topic’s posts they have some Tips and ways to grow on Pinterest


Hi, thanks, interesting.

Are you in pinterest marketing? Interested in Group Boards exchange?

Interested yes, what niches?

Interested.I got 200+ group boards

I am interested my account has 15k followers and get 100k monthly views

Yes i am interested exchange boards. My niche is also health, fitness, and weight loss.